
Moral stories for kids in english : The Farmer and the sweet seller

 One there lived a Farmer in the village of Dudpadi. he was a clever and honest man so everyone in the village loved him and always sought his advice due to his good and helping nature everyone in the village respected him,  in the same village lived a sweet seller he was cruel and always cheat innocent people so most of the villagers maintain a distance with the sweet seller. 

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The sweet seller was always jealous of the Farmer and the respect the villagers had for him, he waited for the right time to fool the farmer and make him look dumb in front of the villagers.  One afternoon after heavy work the farmer decided to go to his home as he felt very hungry and on his way, he came across the sweet seller's shop. he looked at the sweets and immediately started to think how good would these sweet tastes if I ate them now, he took the money from his pocket and counted them. he realised he was a little short on money and he know very well about the cruel sweet seller so he stood near the shop thinking about what to do.

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When he was standing near the shop the aroma of the sweets attracted him and he moved a little close to the shop to enjoy the sweet aroma, he stood near the shop and enjoyed the aroma for some time and when he decided to go to him home the sweet seller came running towards and grabbed his hands asking him for money.

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The Farmer was shocked he said, sir" I haven't bought or tasted any of your sweets" then why are you asking me for money, the sweet seller said, "it is true that you haven't bought or tasted any of the sweets but you stood near my stall and enjoyed the aroma of my sweets" so pay me the money for the aroma you enjoyed.

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The Farmer was shocked hearing this seeing this the sweet seller felt happy that the farmer fell into his trap and today I shall make him look dumb in front of the village, The Farmer with a confused face asked the seller" money for the aroma of the sweets".

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The Seller with a wicked smile said yes money for the aroma of the sweets you enjoyed, when I sell a sweet, I charge it for both the smell and taste since you only enjoyed the aroma pay for the aroma of the sweets, the farmer realized the cruel Sweet seller's cruel intention. he took some coins in his hands and started to shake them, the coins inside his hands collided with one another and made a tingling sound the Farmer said sir I have paid you with the sound of my coins. 

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Now the Sweet seller looked confused, the Farmer said sir as I only enjoyed the aroma of the sweets I paid you with the sound of my coins, everyone near the shop burst into laughter on hearing this and the Sweet Seller became sad since his plan has failed, soon this news spread all over the village and all the Village praised the Farmer for his intelligence.

Moral of the story: In our daily life we would face problems like this if we happen to face those problems don't panic  just counter them with your  Intelligence.

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