
Moral stories for kids : The lazy farmer

Once there lived a very lazy farmer, he would skip his work and sleep the whole day his wife gave him much advice but he didn't change. slowly their wealth started to degrade and soon he became poor, a friend of him suggested that if he could tame a genie all his problems will be solved so the farmer went in search of the wizard who could help him tame a genie he travelled many miles and found a wizard and pleaded to teach him how to tame a genie. the wizard warned him saying that genies are cruel creatures if you aren't careful they will definitely kill you so let go of your wish of taming a genie and  start to work in your field, but the farmer was too lazy to work in his field so he continued pleading the wizard to teach him how to tame a genie

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The Farmer's continuous pleading and his laziness angered the wizard so he promised to teach him to tame a genie and asked him to take bath in the nearby pond after taking a bath the wizard taught him a spell and asked him to tell it for a hundred thousand times (one lakh in the Indian number system ).

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 he also warned the farmer the genie will surely kill him if he got a chance so be careful, the farmer was overjoyed so he sat under the tree and started to tell the spell the wizard taught him and he successfully said it for hundred thousand times and a genie appeared in front of him. and said greeting my master I am your slave, I want you to give me work forever if you failed to give work to me I will eat you the farmer laughed and said don't worry I shall give to work forever then he ordered the genie to take him to home and the genie carried the farmer to his home once he reached the home the farmer ordered the genie to dug a well in his field and the genie left.

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The farmer happily went to his wife and said that he has tamed a genie the wife was scared but the farmer told her that the genie won't harm them if they keep it busy with work. The next day the genie came to the farmer and said that it has dug a well, the farmer then ordered the genie to build a castle for him the farmer thought that it would keep him busy for some months but the next day the genie came to the farmer saying that he had finished the work. now the farmer asked him to plough his field and grow crops the genie came the next day saying the crops were grown the farmer became scared.

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 His wife advised him to go to the wizard and the farmer ran to the wizard's place and fell on his feet and begged to save him from the genie the wizard felt pity for him at that moment the genie came to the wizard's place roaring master give me work or I will eat you the wizard said the farmer, "ask the genie to straighten the curved tail of my dog " the genie laughter and straightened the dog's tail the moment he let go of the tail it became curved the genie tried for several time but he couldn't straighten the curved tail of the dog he accepted his defeat and left the place the wizard advised the farmer to give up his laziness and belive in hard work

Moral : never be lazy always believe in hard work

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