
Moral stories for kids :The Fortune bird

          Moral stories for kids: The Fortune bird

 Rathnapuri was a small village it was covered with green fields, ponds, and lakes. The river Diti flowed throughout the year farming and cattle rearing were the main occupation of the people of Rathnapuri village. There lived a landlord name Vishwanathan who was a hardworking person. due to his hard work, he became the wealthiest man in the village he had a son named Kumar. he was lazy and stupid he wants to get rich without doing anything, Vishwanathan tried to teach his son about the importance of hard work but he failed, due to his old age Vishwanathan made his son look after the fields and cattle so he can get the needed rest in his old age.

Moral stories for kids: The Lazy Farmer

 Kumar used to sleep or roam with his friends wasting precious time, he thought that the labours will look after the fields and cattle and wasted his time sleeping and gambling. due to his laziness year after year, their wealth started to diminish and soon they lost most of their field Vishwanathan was heartbroken by his son's irresponsible actions so he called Kumar and advised him to look after the fields properly.

Moral stories in English : The Honest Woodcutter

Kumar wasn't ready to listen to his father's advice he thought that some bad omen is responsible for their diminishing wealth and asked his friends for a solution. most of his friends were evil-minded so they told him about some poojas and lucky gems etc and got a large sum of money but none of them worked. 

Kumar realized that he was cheated by his friends among his friends there was a person named Ram who was a good, kind-hearted and intelligent person. he often advises Kumar not to involve in gambling and not to be lazy because of this Kumar hated him. when Ram hears about Kumar's loss he went to his home but Kumar was not there. Vishwanathan (Kumar's father) welcomed Ram. he sounded sad because of Kumar's laziness and idiotic action. 

Ram promised he will definitely help Kumar, and then he went fields to see him when Ram reached the fields he noticed that most of the workers haven't come and the person in the field was simple chatting without doing their work.Ram found Kumar sleeping inside the hut in the field.

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Ram woke Kumar and said that he met a sage yesterday and got to know about a bird that lived in our village it is called the fortune bird. if you see it even one time you will get enormous wealth also the bird will appear at random places in our village from morning 5 am tonight 8 pm and asked him to search for the bird. Kumar was so happy to hear it and he promised to look for the bird and get back his wealth.Ram went to his home happily as his plan worked.

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The next day Kumar woke up at 4:30 am and left his home to look for the fortune bird. first, he went to his fields and was shocked to see some person stealing bundles of paddy on seeing Kumar every person put the paddy bundle at the place and ran away. Kumar gathered all the paddy and put it in a jute sack then he went back to his home to have his breakfast, he saw the person looking after the cattle pouring the cow milk into a separate vessel and giving it to his wife to sell in the market. on seeing Kumar both of them were shocked they begged him to forgive them and won't repeat it.

 Kumar warned them and went to have his breakfast after breakfast he again went to his paddy fields none of the workers has shown up and it is getting late for the work finally some workers came to the field around 10 am he became angered and asked them to call all the peoples working in the field finally everyone arrived at the field around 12 pm. Kumar yelled at them for not doing the work properly and warned if they did this again he will replace them with new workers all the workers promised to come to work properly.

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Kumar went to his home to have lunch and went to see his coconut farm and mango farm. the irrigation canal dig to water his farms hadn't been cleaned for a long time and there were cracks and leaks at the canal. he went to see the workers on the farm and they were sleeping under the trees, it made Kumar furious he shouted at them and ordered to repair the canal immediately like this Kumar spend every day searching for the Fortune bird soon the workers started to work properly and Kumar's wealth started to grow again within 2 years he became the wealthiest person in the Village.

Moral stories for kids in English The farmer and the sweet seller

Ram came to see Kumar, Kumar was happy to see him and while chatting, Kumar told I haven't seen the Fortune bird yet but after I started to look for it my wealth started to grow, Ram laughed and said the fortune bird is your hard work. Kumar after you started to look for it you saw how irresponsible your workers were and started to work with them, seeing your work the workers started to work properly and your wealth increased.

You lost your wealth earlier because you were lazy to look after your fields and the workers took it as an opportunity to use your property to earn some money for themselves. Kumar realized his mistake and promised to never be lazy again.

Moral :  Don't rely on others to do your work, Hard work always pays.

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