
Short stories in English (How Tenalirama defeats the most intelligent man)

 Long ago Vijaya nagara was ruled by Krishna Dhevaraya and Tenalirama was one of his ministers he is known for his humorous speech and intelligence. on one fine day a scholar from a distant nation came to visit the King Krishnadhevaraya and said he is the most intelligent man, he has studied all the books and asked does Vijayanagara had anyone who can compete with him and beat him in a debate the King asked for a day to find a scholar to complete with him, the scholar accepted it and said if he wins the Nation belongs to him if he loses, he admits his defeat and shall say Vijayanagara has the most intelligent person, the king agreed to it and asked his ministers to compete with the scholar, but none of them was courageous enough to compete with the scholar.

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Short stories in English Tenaliraman stories

 The next day the king was ready to accept his defeat and give the nation to him the scholar arrived at the king's court Krishnadhevaraya welcomed the scholar and offered him a seat and when the king was about to apologize and give the nation to the scholar Tenalirama arrived at the court and said that he has come to compete with the scholar.

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 Everyone in the court including the king shouted in the joy, he asked his servant to bring something  the servant carried a golden plate and it was covered by silk cloth Tenalirama in front of everyone said this is" Tilakastamahishabantham "the oldest book I have found and today I shall compete with the scholar with this book the scholar with a confused face said that he has learned that book and shall start to debate with Tenalirama after lunch, everyone agreed after lunch they could not find the scholar anywhere he ran away from the castle accepting his defeat the king was overjoyed and he praised Tenalirama for saving his kingdom and asked him to bring the book that he mentioned earlier

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Tenalirama went in and came with the golden plate covered in silk cloth when he opened the cloth everyone was shocked that what they saw under the silk cloth wasn't a book it was some sesame plant tied in a rope everyone was puzzled Tenalirama said " Oh King Tilakastamahishabantham is a Sanskrit word and it means sesame plant tied in the rope  that is used to tie a buffalo tila mean sesame plant

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mahisha means buffalo and banthanam means rope and everyone in the court laughed saying that the scholar ran away fearing a sesame plant tied in buffalo rope and Tenaliraman continued saying to me intelligence is how good we utilize the knowledge obtained if the scholar truly is the intelligent man then he would have stayed to compete me thus once again Thenaliraman saved King Krishnadhevaraya and the court spent the rest of the day talking about how Tenali won the scholar with his intelligence

A small note: Being knowledgeable doesn't make you a genius, it's the way you use your knowledge. Knowledge is like a fire if used in a properly it can be useful in many ways

Credits: This story is taken from the collection of Tenaliraman stories I read in my childhood 

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