
Motivational story in english : The shepherd and the lion cub

  Motivational stories in english : The shepherd and the lion cub

In the forest, a hungry pregnant lioness was searching for food and found a deer in its attempt to catch the deer the pregnant lion died giving birth to a lion cub a shepherd boy who was going that way found the lion cub and felt pity for it and took it with him.

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 The lion cub grow up with sheep thinking it as a sheep, it used to graze grasslands like a sheep, drank water with sheep and even tried to sound like sheep as days passed the lion cub has been grown into a young lion.

once a wild lion came to attack these sheep on seeing other sheep running the young lion also ran with them, the wild lion was confused by the action of the young lion so it was looking for an opportunity to meet the young lion, so it hides near a bush and when the young lion came near the bush the wild lion caught it and dragged it to its forest.

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The young lion kept crying like a sheep pleading with the wild lion to spare it when the wild lion reach the forest the wild lion started to speak foolish child I am not going to eat you, both of us are lions why should I eat you, the young lion wasn't ready to belive the wild lion.

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Seeing this the wild lion dragged the young lion to a nearby pond and both of them looked at their impression on the surface of the water that is when the young lion realised it was a lion and not a sheep then they both went back to the forest the wild lion gave it a piece of meat the young lion found it difficult to eat the meat and soon got used to it and thus the young lion realized who he truly is and both the lions moved to a nearby forest.

Just like the young lion due to various circumstances we underestimate ourselves without realizing our potential.

From the stories of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

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