
Moral story for kids: The Hare and the Tortoise

 Once upon a time, deep in the forest, there was a hare who loved to boast about how fast he could run. He would make fun of the tortoise, the slowest animal in the area, and challenge him to a race. The tortoise, tired of the hare's bragging, finally agreed to the race.

On the day of the big race, all the animals gathered to watch. Before starting, the hare made fun of the tortoise and predicted everyone would laugh at him for accepting the challenge. The tortoise stayed quiet, ignoring the hare's words.

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The race kicked off with a countdown, and the hare dashed ahead while the tortoise plodded along at his own slow pace. The hare quickly left the tortoise far behind, almost out of sight. Feeling confident, he decided to take a break. Spotting a field of cabbages and carrots, he decided to have a snack and a short nap, thinking he could still win easily.

As the hare dozed off, he dreamt of winning the race. Meanwhile, time passed, and the sun began to set. The hare woke up suddenly, realizing he had overslept. He hurriedly checked for the tortoise and was surprised to see him just a few steps from the finish line.

In a panic, the hare raced toward the tortoise, but it was too late. The tortoise crossed the finish line, winning the race. When the hare arrived, all the animals were laughing at him for losing to the slow tortoise. That day, the hare learned a valuable lesson – boasting and making fun of others doesn't bring success, and everyone has their own pace to be respected.

Moral of the story: Slow and steady wins the race

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