
The Story Behind Raksha Bandhan

  The festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of the Shravan month (Hindu calendar)  this year it is celebrated on the 11th of August 2022 on this day women tie Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers or other males whom they consider as their brothers and the brother should protect their sisters throughout their life, Its a wonderful day to show the love for our siblings.but do you know the story behind the Raksha Bandhan.

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People say it started during the Mahabharata period, After the Rajasuya Yaga  King Yudhistra asked his grandfather Bhisma who is the right person to be honoured at the sacrificial ceremony, Bhisma said that there is no one more suitable than Lord Krishna to accept the sacrificial ceremony and this angered Shishupala the king of Chedis, he started to insult Krishna and called him as a cowherd and said that he had never fought any battle like a warrior most of the time he tricked his enemies and won the battles and called Bhisma a mad man for saying Krishna as the most suitable person to accept the sacrificial ceremony, Bhisma took his bow but Lord Krishna calmed him down.

Shishupala asked the kings gathered there to teach the Pandavas and Krishna a good lesson for insulting them and continued to abuse Krishna but Lord Krishna with his usual smile was counting something.

 (Let's see the history of  Shishupala 

Shishupala was born to King Damaghosha and Srutashubha, Srutashubha was the aunt of Lord Krishna. Shishupala was born with three eyes and four arms at the time of his birth his parents heard a voice saying that Shishupala's extra organs will disappear when he is kept in the lap of a certain person and he will be killed by the same person.

 King Damaghosha and Srutashubha made their son sit on all the people who were in the castle and when he sat on the lap of Lord Krishna his extra organs disappeared and Srutashubha fell on Krishna's feet cried and begged Krishna to spare his  son, seeing his aunt in tears Krishna promised her that he will forgive 100 mistakes of Shishupala and  will punish or kill him for his 101st mistake.)

Seeing Lord Krishna smiling after hearing his insults enraged Shishupala he took his sword and jumped on Lord Krishna to kill him Lord Krishna took his sword and fought him but Krishna was still counting the mistakes of Shishupala in one of his hands, seeing this Shishupala cut the hand of Lord Krishna and that was his 100th mistakes Lord Krishna summoned his Sudharshana chakra and beheaded Shishupala killing him ( some stories say that Krishna's hand got when Sudharsana chakra returned to him ).

Draupadi on seeing Lord Krisha hurt tore her saree and rushed to Krishna and tied the cloth around his wrist to stop the bleeding. Krishna thanked her and said that he will always remember her love and kindness. after that incident Krishna returned to Dwaraka.

When the Pandavas lost the gambling with Kauravas Draupadi was dragged to the court by Kauravas and they tried to remove her saree. she tightly held her saree and pleaded to everyone in the court to save her realizing that no one will help her she let go of the saree and called Lord Krishna and the miracle happened, how much Dushasana tried to remove the saree new saree appeared on Draupadi and at last  Dushasana collapsed due to exhaustion and thus krishna saved Draupadi. similarly, Lord Krishna helped Draupadi whenever she was in danger (eg) When sage Dhurvasa came to visit Pandavas ashram during vanavasa for food it was Krishna who came to her aid and thus born the concept of Raksha Bandhan 

If a female ties rakhi on a male's hands it is the duty of the brother/male  to protect her

                     Happy Raksha Bandhan to everyone 

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