
Moral stories for children in english : The Silent Stone

 A long time ago, a craftsman went to the forest to find a stone to make an idol. There he found a very good stone. Seeing this he was very happy and said that it is very right to make this idol.

When he was returning home, he found another stone, and he took that stone also with him. After reaching home, he took the stone he found first and started working on it with his tools.

When the tools hit the stone, that stone started crying and said leave me, it is hurting me a lot. If you hit me, I will fall apart. You make an idol on some other stone.

The craftsman felt pity on hearing the stone. He left the stone and started making an idol with the other stone he found on his way home. The second stone didn't say anything. After some time the craftsman made a very good idol of God from that stone.

The people of the village came to collect the idol after it was made and they were happy seeing the statue of the idol crafted beautifully then the villagers asked the Craftsman for another stone to crack the coconut for the idol, and the Craftsman took the first stone he worked on and asked the villagers to use it as the stone to break the coconut. 

Whenever a person came to visit the temple, he used to worship the idol with flowers, bathe it with milk and break a coconut on the first stone for the idol and this made the first stone angry and annoyed one day the Craftsman came to worship the idol, the first stone on seeing him shouted in anger and said that the Craftsman was the reason for his suffering.

The Craftsman calmly said you weren't ready to tolerate the small pain from earlier and now you have to endure great pain every day, the other stone that was ready to take the pain is now worshipped by the people, and so don't blame me for your foolishness.

Moral: Don't be afraid of the pain and suffering you have to go through for hard word

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